
Departure 275

by markus | Playlists

  1. Again by Jaguar Sun
  2. Supermoon by Charly Bliss from Supermoon EP
  3. De-Evolve Again by Mounties from Heavy Meta
  4. Hardly to Blame by Sheer Mag from A Distant Call
  5. charlie by oso oso from basking in the glow
  6. Teach Me About Dying by Holy Holy
  7. Heroin Honey by Beechwood from Songs From the Land of Nod
  8. Surrounded by Fake Laugh from Surrounded/Honesty
  9. Three Eyes by Flour Flour
  10. My Backwards Walk by Manchester Orchestra from TINY CHANGES: A Celebration of Frightened Rabbit’s ‘The Midnight Organ Fight’
  11. Love Is Everywhere (Beware) by Wilco from Ode To Joy
  12. Throwing Stones at the Moon by Plastic Mermaids from Suddenly Everyone Explodes
  13. Dream Cleaver by Death Valley Girls
  14. Poison the Well by Modest Mouse
  15. Free at Last by PUP from Morbid Stuff
  16. Steep Angles On The Back Wheels by Carter Tanton