
Departure 372: 2021 Favorites, Pt. 2

by markus | Playlists

  1. Dreams Come by David Long and Shane O’Neill from Dreams Come EP
  2. Worry With You by Sleater-Kinney from Worry With You
  3. I Refuse by Charlie Nieland from Divisions
  4. Plants by Speed Stick from Volume One
  5. Happy Parasites by Born Ruffians from Pulp
  6. It Won’t Leave Me Alone by The Cancellations from We Didn’t Start The Fight
  7. Boilermaker by Royal Blood from Typhoons
  9. Isn’t Everyone by HEALTH & Nine Inch Nails
  10. Kiss You On Your Way by RedDelicious from Things Fall Apart
  11. Anything About You by The Sea At Midnight from The Sea At Midnight (Remastered)
  12. rook V1 by spike hellis from subversive to care
  13. Blinding Lights by Crows from Group Therapy Vol. 2
  14. Take It by GHLOW from Slash and Burn


Departure 371: 2021 Favorites, Pt. 1

by markus | Playlists

  1. Give It To Me Straight by Camarano from Where Am I Now?
  2. Come Over by Knox Fortune from Stock Child Wonder
  3. Fem Chem by Nice Biscuit from Create Simulate
  4. Make It Shiny (Klammer Remix) by Scenius
  5. Wake Me Up by Henrik Appel from Humanity [LP]
  6. Shake by The Lamplight Club
  7. The Wild Child by mr. Gnome from The Day You Flew Away
  8. Ur Boyfriend’s Wack by Grove from Queer + Black
  9. Shine by Panophonic from AWAKENING
  10. Twin Mime by New Candys from Vyvyd
  11. I Wanna Lose by L.A. WITCH from Play With Fire
  12. Needle (Feat: Sean Flanigan) by Jeremy Bastard from Everyone is History, There is No Memory
  13. Our Heads, Our Hearts on Fire Again by The Besnard Lakes from The Besnard Lakes Are The Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings

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