Anthrax Capitalism Is Cannibalism    Capitalism Is Cannibalism    Crass Records
Anthrax Hunger Pains   All For The Cause    Grow Your Own Records
Chris Wollard & The Ship Thieves     Runaway train  canyons No Idea Records
moving targets  the other side  burning near water    taang
helmet  blacktop     strap it on   am rep
girls against boys    my night of pleasure   tropic of scorpio    adult swim
Lost Cherrees  No Flag No Fighting No War No Trouble No More  Riot/Clone Records
State  State  False Power   Statement Records
Laughin’ Nose  Pussy For Sale  Pussy For Sale  AA Records
Doom   Agree To Differ Spleurk compilation   Meantime Records
Lastly  Continue To Move     Acceleration To Doomsday     Imminent Destruction
Records / N.A.R.M. Discos
Disturd Brainwashed   Acceleration To Doomsday     Imminent Destruction
Records / N.A.R.M. Discos
Desperdicio   Que Estas Mirando El Ultimo   Acceleration To
Doomsday     Imminent Destruction Records / N.A.R.M. Discos
Against The Grain    Thorn  Acceleration To Doomsday     Imminent Destruction
Records / N.A.R.M. Discos
brand new heavies    its gettin hectic/who makes the loot   heavy
rhyme  delicious vinyl
black star    Respiration   s/t   rawkus